- /* dbl2fary.cpp by K.Tsuru */
- /*****************************
- SN class's auxiliary function
- double --> DRADIX conversion
- ******************************/
- #ifndef SN_H
- #include "sn.h"
- #endif
- /*
- It gets the values of "e" and "d" which satisfy a condition
- p = d * 10^e (0.1 =< d < 1.0 ).
- Note that even if p = 1.0*10^e, *d = 0.999999999... and becomes one by adding
- DBL_EPSILON to that.
- */
- static int dblExp(double p, double* d){
- double absp = fabs(p); // check |p| == 1.0 or 0.1
- if(absp == 1.0){ // 1.0 = 0.1 * 10^1
- *d = p > 0.0 ? 0.1 : -0.1; return 1;
- } else if(absp == 0.1){ // 0.1
- *d = p > 0.0 ? 0.1 : -0.1; return 0;
- }
- double q = log10(absp);
- int e = (int)q, e_add = 0;
- if(q >= 0.0) e++;
- if(e > DBL_MAX_10_EXP){ absp /= 10.0; e--; e_add = 1; }
- if(e) q = absp*pow(10.0, -e);
- else q = absp;
- if( q + DBL_EPSILON >= 1.0){// q = 0.99999999...*10^e = 0.1 * 10^(e+1)
- q = 0.1; e++;
- } else if( q < 0.1){ // q = 0.09999999.... *10^e = 0.1*10^e
- q = 0.1;
- }
- *d = p > 0.0 ? q : -q;
- return e + e_add;
- }
- /*
- It converts "d" to fType array "ary" where 0.1 =< d < 1.0 and return the size.
- */
- static uint ConvertfType(FigBlock& ary, double d){
- int j, len = 0, r;
- fType under = 0, round = 0;
- for(j = 0; (d > 0.0) && (len <= DOUBLE_FIG); j++){
- ary[j] = (fType)d;
- d -= (double)ary[j];
- d *= (double)DRADIX;
- len += DFIGURES;
- }
- ary[j] = (d >= 1.0) ? (fType)d : 0;
- r = len - DOUBLE_FIG;
- if(r > 0 && ary[j]){
- under = 1;
- while(r){ // r > 0 then under >= 10
- under *= 10; r--;
- }
- //Check last "r" figures.
- round = ary[j] % under; // ary[j] = 8999, under = 10, round = 9
- if(round >= under/2 ){ // 9 > 10/2 = 5
- ary[j] -= round; // ary[j] = 8990
- ary[j] += under; // ary[j] = 8990 + 10 = 9900
- } else round = 0;
- }
- if(round){
- int k;
- for(k = j; k > 0 ; k--){ // normalize
- if(ary[k] < DRADIX) break;
- else {
- ary[k-1]++;
- ary[k] = 0; //len -= DFIGURES;
- }
- }
- if(k < j) under = 0;
- j = k;
- }
- if(under){ //cut out last figure
- ary[j] /= under; ary[j] *= under;
- }
- while(!ary(j) && j) j--;//some low figures becomes zero by round
- if(ary(0)) return 1; //d = 0.9999999999 -> d = 1.0 ( ary(0) = 1 )
- return (uint)j+1;
- }
- /**********************************************************
- main body
- Provides radix conversion double "x" to res[] in DRADIX.
- It returns the value of exponent.
- ***********************************************************/
- int doubleToArray(double x, FigBlock& res, uint *size){
- res.reserve(minArraySize-1);
- res[0] = res[1] = 0;
- *size = 2;
- // x == 0.0 ?
- if(x == 0.0) return 0;
- double absX = fabs(x);
- int exp;
- double ip, dp;
- dp = modf(absX, &ip);
- if(dp + DBL_EPSILON >= 1.0){
- dp = 0.0; ip = ip + 1.0;
- }
- //An integer which has an order of "DRADIX" can be exactly represented by double.
- //Then "+ROUND_DBL_INT" is not nesessary.
- if( (dp == 0.0) && (ip < (double)DRADIX ) ){//integer of one figure
- res[1] = (fType)ip;
- return 1;
- }
- res.reserve(DOUBLE_FIG/DFIGURES+3);
- double d;
- exp = dblExp(absX, &d); // absX = d*10^exp, 0.1 <= d < 1.0
- fType p10;
- int dexp, r;
- uint sz = ConvertfType(res, d);
- if(sz == 1){ // d = 0.9999999999 -> d = 1.0
- res[0] = 0; res[1] = DRADIX/10;
- sz = 2; exp++; //do not return to settle the value of "exp"
- }
- dexp = exp/DFIGURES;
- r = exp - dexp*DFIGURES;
- if(r > 0){ r -= DFIGURES; dexp++; } //r <= 0
- p10 = 1;
- while(r < 0){ p10 *= 10; r++; }
- uint j;
- if(p10 > 1){ //divide by p10
- res.reserve(sz);
- res[sz] = 0; sz++;
- ulong w, u;
- u = 0;
- for(j = 1; j < sz; j++){
- w = u*DRADIX +(ulong)res[j];
- res[j] = fType(w/p10);
- u = w%p10;
- }
- }
- j = sz-1;
- #ifndef NDEBUG
- res(j);
- #endif
- while(res[j] == 0) j--;
- *size = j+1;
- return dexp;
- }
dbl2fary.cpp : last modifiled at 2017/03/13 14:31:56(3,834 bytes)
created at 2016/04/11 11:17:20
The creation time of this html file is 2017/10/07 10:54:15 (Sat Oct 07 10:54:15 2017).